Grateful For The Ones We Love
This year is the first time I get to celebrate Thanksgiving with just my husband! Both our sons are spending Thanksgiving with their friends and it gives me joy to be able to share them. Knowing they have meaningful friends whom they can visit. Naturally our turkey dinner just got extremely easy for me -so no complaints here!
As tomorrow unfolds, I have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving day!
First, for my family, what a blessing to be a part of this fun bunch! Our boys one’s a junior in high school and the other one’s living in LA, loving music! I look at their lives today and I am honored to call them my sons. They’ve turned out great! I’m also grateful for my husband -he’s my best friend! What a lucky ticket to have met this man and married him almost 20 years ago!
Second, my extended family in Argentina, everyone is doing so well. My two nieces just had their babies, one a boy, and the other a girl -just two days apart! The babies are so cute I can’t even wait to meet them! My sister, is thriving with her treatment and is a brand-new Granny so imagine her joy! My brother and his wife were Grandparents again so that was very special!
Then, my Mom what a huge blessing she is and has been to me! Soon, I get to see her again. I can’t wait to hug her one more time and thank her for praying for me every day of her life! It’s so good to be together as a family every time we meet in Argentina. Also, my Mom-in-law, she’s so kind! She thinks everything we do is great and never criticizes us. -Can you imagine? Take heart, there are still some good ones out there! -No kidding!
My other blessings include my best friends, one of them has a birthday tomorrow! These ladies have been such a huge encouragement to me during my life!
I’m also grateful for my volunteering opportunities. Not only did I volunteer at the hospital, which I love; I also started volunteering in May for NAMI Virginia (National Alliance on Mental Illness). They help so many people that struggle with mental illness. Their support groups encourage the patients and their families bringing them hope that they too can make it.
I’m blessed to be able to learn and study every single day. I think personal growth can be a lifelong goal because we’re never done learning. I’ve turned my car into my classroom with audio-teachings and my kitchen table into my library. Today, I believe anyone can learn anything anywhere.
Last but not least, I’m grateful to God for my life. For all the opportunities we get to love, help and serve others. For the meaningful little things we get to enjoy freely every day. Today we took a drive with my husband, it was gorgeous outside and our conversation was priceless. The best times in life are the simplest. I cherish these moments; they don’t cost much, but they are extremely valuable to me.
Thankfulness I’ve learned, is a way of life not just a holiday tradition. It’s more than turkey and pie. Being thankful keeps us from thinking that we did everything in our own power. We didn’t. If we're honest, I believe most of us we’ve had a lot of help from others to get to where we are today and be who we are right now.
Jean-Baptiste Massieu said: “Gratitude is the memory of the heart.” I hope we remember to use our words wisely this holiday to be thankful to God and others. Don’t miss the opportunity to write to that teacher who helped you at school or thank that mentor who walked you through your first job. Maybe thank that friend who supported you. If you’re still able, thank your parents or the ones who raised you the best way they knew how. Thank that person who took care of you. Family doesn’t need to be blood. Thank God who gave you your life to enjoy!
Whatever your Thanksgiving looks like this year, take time to reflect and be thankful mostly for all the great people in your life. The rest is just stuffing.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
All the best,
Maria A. Mansfield
Author: "Life Is Worth Getting Better"