Do You Live In A Beautiful Life?
October 2023
When I was a little girl, my dad got us a dolls house you could stand inside. It was so cool! I loved to play house! My sisters were older, so I always got to be the daughter instead of the Mom. I didn't mind. I felt so much joy playing house for hours with everything scaled down to my size. My sister even had a garden outside! The dolls house was perfect. I loved it. It was my "beautiful home."
Wherever you live, and as much as you're able, you try to create a beautiful environment to live in -where you're comfortable and safe. A space you might share with loved ones and with what brings you joy. It's nice yet also functional. You add your own style. You love it and might even consider it my "Beautiful Home."
But what if you could shift from living in a beautiful home to living a beautiful life? They're similar: you create a comfortable and safe environment. It's a space where you can be surrounded by your loved ones and what brings you joy. It's put together and functional -it suits your lifestyle and interests. Your heart loves it because it's yours. It feels authentic and genuine. You feel blessed and grateful for your life because even if it's not everything you wanted, it's truly a "Beautiful Life."
And how do you know if you live in a beautiful life? A few questions to consider:
Do you cultivate a Positive Mindset?
Your mindset plays a crucial role in how you do life. You cannot have a negative attitude and expect a positive life. Positive thoughts help you approach challenges with more resilience and grit. You feel more gratitude for what you do have instead of what's missing. You can embrace life as a learning process to live better. A positive outlook can shift your perspective to see the genius in simplicity.
Do you nurture your Relationships?
Having good relationships gives you a sense of belonging and feeling loved. Relationships have a tremendous impact on your overall well-being. Family is forever but isn't always blood. Some of your friends are your family. Spend time with them. It will give your life more satisfaction. Make time to see your Parents if you still can. Make every effort to mend the relationships you're still able to; sometimes, a misunderstanding can cost you a friend. Make time for your kids; they grow up so fast!
Do you have People who inspire you?
Jim Rohn used to say that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Does your tribe inspire you to reach your full potential and become all you can? Surrounding yourself with wise, supportive, and inspiring individuals can enrich your life. Keep learning from those who know more and who are where you want to go. Become a better version of yourself. It will elevate every aspect of your Life! Proverbs 3:16-17: Wisdom offers a long pleasant life, wealth, honor, and happiness.
Are you pursuing your calling, your purpose?
Living a beautiful life means pursuing your calling and finding purpose in what you do. What other thing could you do better than what you are great at and love the most? It's about aligning your actions with your values and doing work you're proud to do. When you engage in activities that resonate with what you value, you tap into a sense of purpose that adds depth and meaning to your life.
Are you letting your past pass, or are you still living in that chapter?
I feel deep compassion for everyone who's struggled deeply in their past. I know what some of those challenges feel like. We may have all had our share. None of these things make any sense, nor have clear-cut answers. Yet, the present today is your gift. Letting go of what you cannot change is letting your past pass. You don't need to live in those chapters anymore. You made it through! You can turn the page. You have the pen in your hand to write new chapters of joy, hope, health, love, new beginnings, success, and wellness. Haven't you carried your past long enough? Will you let your past pass? Don't you owe it to yourself to live a life you love?
Are you embracing your Spiritual Life and practicing Self-Care?
In everyday life, it's important to take moments for yourself, breathe, and be present with your emotions. It might look like meditation, praying to God, writing in a journal, going on a long walk, or reading what inspires you. Self-care helps you slow down and care for your mind, body, and soul. It's committing to exercise, eating healthy food, and drinking water. Sometimes, it's about saying no or setting boundaries so you can recharge. Other times, it's about regaining balance and reconnecting with God, the universe, or your higher power to give you peace.
Are you making a Positive Impact on someone in your family or community?
Living a beautiful life involves positively impacting the world around you. It's about using your skills, experiences, and resources to contribute to something greater than yourself. Whether through acts of kindness, volunteering, or pursuing a career that aligns with your values. You might never know the ripple effect of your impact on other people. The legacy that you leave in others will outlive your life.
Living a beautiful life is a journey. It looks different for everyone.
I don’t know what your beautiful life looks like.The good news is that you do! I hope you keep discovering yours. Find what brings joy and keep looking forward because when you pursue something, guess what? More times than not, you will find it! And what a beautiful life you can live -no matter what kind of home you live in.
All my best to you
Maria A. Mansfield
Author and Women’s Life Coach