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Writer's pictureMaria A. Mansfield

My Interview with Susan Sherayko on my book: “Life is Worth Getting Better”

May is the Mental Health Awareness month. Not only during May but all year round, we can learn more about mental health wellness and recovery -while embracing and supporting those who struggle with these conditions.

Some ways we can bring more awareness on mental health wellness could be:

-Celebrating those who, with insurmountable willpower and effort, overcome these mental challenges and go on to live a happy and fulfilled life.

-Supporting a family member or a friend through encouragement and listening to them.

-Volunteering or supporting an organization that helps patients improve their mental wellness.

-Practicing self-care is a form of being more aware of our mental health.

-Resting and exercising more. Stressing and worrying less.

-Having meaningful, honest conversations about mental health symptoms, how they affect everyday life, and where to find the right help.

-Sharing your own story and lived experience gives others hope that they too can recover.

A few weeks ago, Susan Sherayko, the radio host for "Rebuilding Our Lives," interviewed me about my book: "Life is Worth Getting Better." (2016) by Maria A. Mansfield. I write very honestly and vulnerably about my recovery journey from depression, anxiety, and bipolar 2 disorder in my book. It was an honor to share my recovery story with her listeners because, as May is the Mental Health Awareness Month, I thought it was a suitable conversation to have.

Susan also asked me about my second book: "Honoring Your Recovery" (2019) by Maria A. Mansfield. It's a practical workbook on what helped me in my recovery and 8 ways to find joy and purpose in your life, even after having experienced mental health conditions.

I also translated Life is Worth Getting Better into "Tu Vida merece que te mejores" (2020) for Spanish-speaking communities, who still culturally find it harder to address these issues.

If you'd like to listen to the RADIO INTERVIEW, this is the link:

If you're struggling with mental health wellness, I hope my recovery story inspires you. You are so much more than your mental health diagnosis. Don't let that define who you are. Recovery is always available. I hope you decide to seek the help you need. But you are the only one who can choose to get well. Nobody can do your treatment for you.

There's no elevator to wellness, but it's worth the climb. You will feel happier and fulfilled, understanding how much meaning your life has. Mental health challenges don't get to define who you are. You are so much more than your diagnosis. Your life has infinite value. Don't give up on yourself. You can still go on to live an extraordinary life full of dreams, goals, and purpose.

All my best to you,

Maria A. Mansfield, PRS



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