Counting God’s Blessings on my 50th Birthday!
One amazing Husband who loves me insanely, cares for me always, and is proud of me. Two extraordinary Sons who inspire me, whom I’ll...
This Present Moment
I just got back from my niece’s wedding! What an honor it was for me to attend the ceremony. What a gift to share that special day with...
The Love We Give
It’s hard to imagine a world without LOVE. What would that look like? How would we make it through the day without it? And how could we...
Everyone Can Be Great
In a world where titles, recognition, and certain positions seem to be the big tickets to greatness, somehow being a servant didn't make...
We’re Still Standing -Happy New Year’s!
2020 will go down as the year that changed everything we knew. Our everyday routines were affected worldwide. Students learned online....
Simple Gratitude For The Best Gift.
This Holiday Season is already exceptionally different. It's been a long year, and the pandemic almost got the best of us. Except we've...
Still So Grateful!
Last December, we pledged each other a Happy New Year! -I know, I was there! 2020 seemed so new and uncharted. Our 2020 goals, so...
Just Breathe...
These Fall afternoons, I’ve been outside walking our dog Wilson, admiring the changing colors on the trees almost with the wonder of a...
The Stories That Shape Us
9/11 is a tragic day for America. The death toll, the trauma, and the stories just break your heart -every time. Every year, I watch...
When It’s College Move In Day!
When we imagine how a particular situation might play out in reality, we might think we're ahead of the game because we've considered the...